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Planning Board Minutes 04/23/07 - Inex Homes Site Walk

Minutes of the April 23, 2007 Board Meeting – Site Walk for In-Ex Homes, LLC

Members & Staff Present:
Mary Allen                              Bob Edwards             Bradley Houseworth
Andrew Robblee                  Brian Sawich            Alex Snow       
Christopher Stephenson          Kathi Wasserloos
Members and Staff Absent:                                                                                         
Scott Burnside (Recused)                Joseph Koziell  Stephen Schacht
Paul Vasques

Public Attendees:
Julie Anderson  Helena Bates            Peter Beblowski Bruce Botelho           
Carol Botelho           John Burnham            Nancy Burnham   Nate Chamberlin
Micheline DeRosa        Jane Fluhr              William Fluhr           John Gordon             
Sam Harding             Phil Marrotte           Cory Stephenson Bob Varnum              

In-Ex Homes, LLC; File # 2007-02PB; Site Walk (Proposed Excavation Site):  Chairman Sawich opened the site walk public meeting at 5:00 PM, introduced himself, and asked Mr. Nate Chamberlin to lead the site walk and orient the Board and the abutters to the site.  Mr. Sawich asked Mr. Chamberlin to point out the fifty (50) foot right of way, he replied that it is approximately from the stone wall to halfway up the steep bank on the right.  The group walked down the access drive towards the 1st stream crossing and Mr. Marrotte pointed out the culvert crossing.  He explained that it has been a problem area for some time, according to the Road Agent, due to the stormwater runoff coming off of Pleasant Street, washing along side and under the access drive, and it has washed out portions of the access drive many times.  He explained that you can see some of the silt and fresh soil that was washed from the access drive into the culvert and stream.  Mr. Chamberlin stated that when they start improving the road, they will probably armor the ditch and improve the stormwater drainage so it isn’t such an issue, and the area will be included in the drainage calculations.  The group reached the end of the fifty (50’) foot access drive and Mr. Marrotte explained where the property boundaries are to the left and right of the access drive.  Mr. Marrotte pointed out where the trailer had been parked near the property boundary and Mr. Stephenson explained that he had some concerns because some cutting was done on his property, just over the site boundary.  Mr. Chamberlin pointed out the basic areas of the existing excavation pit and the exposed steep slope of the first esker.  Mr. Marrotte asked people to be careful because metal debris is lying around and this is one of the reasons they want to clean up this site.  He pointed out some erosion problems and stormwater drainage patterns that have wiped out portions of Mr. John Gordon’s back property line due to the large amount of runoff coming down from the nearby hill.  The group walked into the existing excavation area, Mr. Chamberlin explained that they are going to knock down the piles and hill to smooth it out.  He stated that for the most part Mr. Harriman has created large berms around the existing excavation areas so it is mostly self-contained and prevents any erosion or soil leaving the site.  Mr. Marrotte explained that it will look pretty good once they clean it up, plant grass, and reclaim the slopes.
Chairman Sawich asked Mr. Marrotte if he intends to put a house on the hill to the left, in the western most section of the property; he replied yes and he would like to push some more material into that area to have at least one house lot.  Chairman Sawich asked if the material is all sand or if there is some gravel present on the site, Mr. Marrotte explained that it is mostly all sand but there is gravel and till deeper down, probably twenty (20’) or thirty (30’) feet deep.  

Mr. Stephenson stopped the group and pointed out an area to the left of the access drive, where it appeared some cutting of trees and ground disturbance had occurred within twenty five (25’) feet of a flagged wetland area, in the Town’s wetland buffer zone.  He explained that he has photos showing what trees were there before and asked what enabled the loggers to cut this close to the existing wetlands that were delineated and flagged by Meridian.  Mr. Marrotte explained that the loggers did not cross any wetlands, or cut anything within the wetlands, but it seems this is the only portion of the lot where they disturbed the ground near a wetlands area.  Mr. Beblowski concurred that the loggers definitely cut within the twenty five (25’) foot wetland buffer area and expressed concern that the Town’s minimum buffer zone is in place for a reason.  Mr. Marrotte assured the group that this was the only area on the lot where the wetlands buffer was disturbed.  

The group continued to walk through the existing excavation area, towards the exposed steep slope of the first esker.  Mr. Marrotte explained that he would like to take the group up the steep slope, to the top of the esker, and show the proposed area where they would like to excavate.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that they are proposing to push what remains of this esker and ridge into the existing low lying areas of the pit, in order to smooth it out into one continuous slope.  At the top of the esker, he explained that they are proposing to take the tallest knob down ten (10’) feet and create one continuous, gradual slope from the top of the ridge to the access drive, which will most likely be a 4:1 slope or a twenty (20%) percent slope.  Mr. Marrotte explained that all of the concrete and metal debris piles will get cleaned up before the esker is pushed over to fill in the existing excavation area.  Mr. Beblowski asked where the construction and demolition debris will go, Mr. Marrotte stated that they don’t have a place for it, but Mr. Kris Stewart will take care of it for them off site.

Mr. Chamberlin explained that based on the abutters concerns from the public hearing, Mr. Marrotte wants to work with the Board and the abutters and asked him to look into how they can reduce the amount of material being removed from the site to reduce the number of necessary truck trips.  He explained that at the other knob, on the second esker, they originally proposed a twenty (20’) foot cut and now they are proposing a twelve (12’) foot cut.  He explained that they reduced the cut by eight (8’) feet and they reduced the total amount of the material to be removed from seventy thousand (70,000) cubic yards to fifty four thousand (54,000) cubic yards.  He stated that it is quite a reduction and they just want to take down the knob, reclaim the pit by leveling it out, putting down some loam and grass seed, and create a nice residential subdivision.

Mrs. Cory Stephenson expressed concerns why the applicant needs to excavate material out of the second esker area, which was previously left untouched.  She stated that she is still confused why the applicant has to go over to the second esker area.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that the knob is too high for what they are proposing to do.  Mr. Marrotte stated that in order to meet the Town’s Steep Slopes Zoning District and be able to put a house or two in that area, the material has to be removed.  He explained that if they could remove it from the site without having a gravel permit, they would.  He explained that it is not like they are running a gravel operation for five (5) years on this site.  Mrs. Stephenson stated that she understands that but it seems that Mr. Marrotte bought the land to build houses and asked why he needs to even work with the second esker area, why can’t he work with the land that he bought.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that this is only a small portion of the land and the parcel is thirty (30) acres and probably only ten (10) acres of it has been previously disturbed.  He stated that they want to take the second esker down, put up some houses, and they are proposing to put twelve (12) acres of the lot into common land or conservation land.  He stated that by going with a cluster housing subdivision design approach, they will put some land in conservation, they will reduce the length of the necessary road to access the proposed lots, and it will reduce the total impact.  Mr. Stephenson asked how many lots they are proposing in the second esker area; Mr. Chamberlin stated three.

The group walked from the first esker, down a hill to a logging road which crossed a stream, and towards the second esker.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that there was some question whether the stream, which has some spring runoff flowing in it, is a wetland or not.  He stated that he asked his soil scientist about this and he explained that it is not a wetland because there are not hydric soils present in this area, which occur farther down in the same drainage.  An abutter stated that he has been up here several times over the past five (5) years, and the stream has always been flowing year round.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that it was flagged last fall and that was what the soil scientist told him.  He stated that he can bring him to the next meeting to verify it.

The group walked up the second esker to the top of the knob, towards where test boring B3 is located.  Mr. Marrotte pointed out to the group how they placed additional flagging tape forty (40’) feet from the flagged wetland areas, on either side of the second esker and ridge.  Mr. Marrotte pointed out test boring B3, stated that there was some concern regarding the water table level, and stated that they went down sixteen (16’) feet and it was bone dry at the bottom.  Mr. Chamberlin explained that they put a PVC pipe in the boring to determine the water level and they have reduced their original proposed cut of ten (10’) feet down to four (4’) feet in this area.  Mr. Robblee asked where the proposed road would end at a cul-de-sac; Mr. Chamberlin stated that it would be down below and a shared driveway would be used to access the lots on this second esker.  The group then walked to the top of the knob of the second esker, where test borings B2 and B2A are located.  Mr. Marrotte explained that they are proposing to reduce the depth of cut in this area as well, from a thirty four (34’) foot cut to a twenty four (24’) foot cut.  He explained that one of their main concerns in this area is the height of the existing knob and it is a big problem area because a lot of material needs to be moved and removed from the site in order to have house lots that meet the Town’s regulations and zoning district requirements.  Mr. Stephenson asked if it is possible to put some grade on the esker in order to create house lots without moving the material off site; Mr. Chamberlin replied, no, not in a way to meet the Steep Slopes Zoning District, basically because of the existing steep slopes.  Mr. Marrotte explained that they will shape and mold the esker as best as possible with the material that is present, but some will inevitably have to be removed.  He pointed out the three or four general areas where they are proposing house lots on the second esker and what area will be reserved for the common land or open space.  

The group continued down the steep slope of the second esker, towards the area on the plan that has been designated as ‘temporary sedimentation basin # 2,’ at the toe slope of the second esker.  Mr. Marrotte explained that he would like to put one house lot down at the toe of the slope of the second esker, without having to cross the nearby wetlands if possible.  Mr. Marrotte pointed out the various surface drainages that drain water from the site into the wetlands on the Bryers Lane common land (Map 1A, Lot 53).  He explained that bringing a road into this temporary sedimentation basin #2 would be very difficult so they are proposing a cul-de-sac at the toe slope of the first esker, near the proposed ‘temporary sedimentation basin # 1,’ and shared driveways to the lots in the area of the second esker.  He explained that a NH DES wetlands dredge and fill permit may be needed in order to access the proposed house lots in the second esker/ proposed excavation area.  Mr. Beblowski pointed out that the soil type on the map in this area is 15, Searsport Muck, which is classified as a very poorly drained soil type.  

The group crossed the wetland, surface drainage from the temporary sedimentation basin # 2 area to the temporary sedimentation basin # 1 area.  An abutter asked how large the proposed residential house lots will be, Mr. Marrotte explained that they will be approximately three (3) or four (4) acre lots.  Mr. Edwards asked Mr. Marrotte if he is planning on burying the tree stumps, he replied that he is planning on having someone chip the stumps up and take them off site.  Ms. Wasserloos asked Mr. Marrotte how much of the existing, exposed first esker will remain after they reshape the area, he explained that about half of the exposed esker would be brought down to fill in the low lying areas, including removing all of the piles of debris, metal, concrete, etc.  He explained that there would be most likely be six residential house lots, two in the front part of the parcel and four in the back, off of the cul-de-sac.

Ms. Bates expressed concerns to Mr. Marrotte regarding an increase in surface waters draining onto her backyard, creating a large, man-made wetland on her property, due to the logging activities that recently occurred on proposed excavation lot.  Mr. Marrotte replied that there may have been an existing drainage problem on her lot, prior to their timber clearing activities.  Ms. Bates replied that it happened since the timber clearing was done and it has been causing a significant drainage problem on her property in her backyard.

The group walked back along the access drive to the entrance of the site, at the intersection with Pleasant Street.  Mr. Beblowski explained that if Mr. Gordon’s hillside is impacted when they put in a Class V Town road, the surveyor and engineer will have to address the issues of properly stabilizing the hill and find a way to handle the stormwater runoff issues.  Mr. Edwards stated that the site walk is about to end and asked if any Board Members or abutters have any other further questions or comments.  Mr. Bruce Botelho stated that when the owner bought this property, he knew what he was buying, and to do the proposed amount of restructuring and removal of gravel to an existing site is unnecessary and the owner should work with what he has.

Mrs. Botelho explained that there are thirty three (33) kids minimum that live on Pleasant Street from this site down to Main Street and six (6) average school buses everyday that come to this site, including a handicap bus.  She explained that all of these kids wait on the side of the road for the bus and they will be out for three (3) months during the summer, playing on Pleasant Street, and she has some serious concerns with their safety.  Mr. Edwards stated that the Board and abutters have already discussed all of the safety issues and traffic concerns.  Mr. Sam Harding stated that one reason to do this site walk is to visual the line of sight that is available at the intersection of the access drive and Pleasant Street.  He explained that if you are standing well into the access drive, the line of sight is pretty good, but when an individual is in a large truck at the end of the access drive, it is very hard to see the view to the west and the line of sight is very poor.  He explained that the line of sight issue is compounded when one truck is entering the site while another is exiting and there could be some serious safety issues.  He stated that this is a very important issue and the Board will have to find a way to work address it for this particular lot on Pleasant Street.  

Mr. Edwards asked if anyone else has any other comments.  Ms. Bates explained that there is a man-made stream flowing through her property due to the water flow and since the applicant has cleared timber on his lot, there are now two other new areas that have flooded on her property, causing the soil to be very soggy.  She asked what is going to happen to address this issue.  She asked how the owner is going to fix it.  She stated that it shouldn’t be her responsibility to fix it.
Mrs. Jane Fluhr stated that there is always an impact to the neighborhood when the topography of an area is altered and a recent example was when Bryers Lane was constructed.  Ms. Micheline D. DeRosa explained that in regards to speeding on Pleasant Street, she stated that she recently had family over to her house, and her mother left in a car down Pleasant Street towards Main Street and she was tailgated all the way down the road towards Main Street.  She explained that she is very concerned with the increase in traffic and the potential for the increase in speeding on Pleasant Street.

Mr. Marrotte explained that due to the abutters concerns, they have reduced the proposed amount of material to be removed from the site and have cut the number of truck loads in half.  An abutter asked about the hours of operation, Mr. Marrotte explained that they will work with the Board to determine the hours of operation, and there will be no work on Sundays.  Mr. Burnham asked if the abutters will be allowed to speak again at the next public meeting on May 3rd.  Mr. Edwards explained that it will be at the Chairman’s discretion and he will recognize individuals to speak as he sees appropriate, for example if they have new concerns or information to share.  Mr. Burnham stated that due to the site walk, he has new concerns that he previously didn’t think of at the previous public hearing so he would like a chance to address those.

An abutter asked whether the weight limit on Pleasant Street is the same as on Rt. 202, Mr. Bob Varnum confirmed that it is.  It was asked if Pleasant Street will hold up, Mr. Varnum replied probably not.  It was asked if it would be possibly to weigh the trucks every so often to confirm the weight limits.  Mr. Edwards stated that it would be difficult to implement such a measure and those types of things can be monitored by citizens and can be complaint driven.  Mr. Fluhr expressed concerns about the use of ‘Jake Brakes’ be used on Pleasant Street, Mr. Edwards stated that the Board will try to address that issue with the applicant also.  Mr. Beblowski thanked Mr. Marrotte for allowing the abutters and neighbors to attend the site walk.

Mr. Edwards closed the site walk and thanked everyone for coming.

Respectfully submitted,

Bradley Houseworth, Planning Technician
Antrim Planning Board